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Overcoming Darkness – Dim Light Shoot

March 8 @ 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm


picture of someone shooting at night

This course was specifically designed to expose the student to the proper use of a flashlight and handgun in a low light environment. Bad actors use darkness to conceal their nefarious intentions and as such crime can occur in low or reduced light. The National Incident Based Reporting System confirms this. Many people have never shot their handgun in a low light condition or with the use of flashlight. This course will cover the fundamentals of using a handheld light and/or a weapon mounted light to identify targets and accurately engage them. We will cover light terminology, tips and tricks, and of course tactics. This is an outdoor class – please dress appropriately and should you have any questions on required gear please ask.


P91 Protection


Blair County Game, Fish and Forestry Assoc
301 Riggles Gap Sportsmen Road
Altoona, 16601
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One Response

  • Outstanding course. Professionally managed and taught by a true student-centered teacher of full scope defensive tactics and self-protection. It is impossible for me to recommend this course any higher than absolutely essential to anyone that desires a multifaceted protection plan and skillset.

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